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  1. Tessa_995

    Love it! I sometimes use the words ‘inflate’ and ‘deflate’ to prevent forced breath. Holding on full is supposed to be more energizing and holding on empty more relaxing (provided student is comfortable with that).

  2. JenniferGianni

    Hi Tessa,

    Thank you for all the thoughts and great cues. Keep them coming! I love all the brilliant teachers we have in our community.


  3. Lisa Longworth

    Deep, conscious, fluid breathing helps calm, ground and focus me throughout my day. Thank you for the suggestion to wait for the body to respond upon inhaling and exhaling. Wonderful visual of floating at the top of the breath, too.

  4. JenniferGianni

    Thanks Lisa. Isn’t it great to focus on the simple things that our body can do so well to take care of us.
    Love you,