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Use Magic Circle for side leg work transitions


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  1. Stephen

    I enjoy the circle work, but I don’t understand the “Fancy Fee” title. Am I missing something?


    Hi there, I would like to ask why Jennifer is lying with legs at an angle to her body? I know there will be a good reason why, so I would be glad of your answer. Thank you!

  3. Tessa_995

    Stephen: “Footloose and fancy free” is the expression!
    Fiona: I am guessing legs at an angle is for better stability.

  4. Kristine _391

    Dear Fiona,

    Thank you for your question about having Jennifer’s legs at an angle. In agreement with Tessa, yes, lying on the side with the legs in a forward position will create more stability. In contrast, side lying in a straight line from the crown of the head to the heel will create more of a challenge to this stability.

    Thank you again for your question. I hope this is helpful.

    Best wishes,