Cody Jussel
Cody found her love of movement at a young age. She barrel raced at the Salinas Rodeo, flipped, swam, and danced her way through her teens, and ultimately landed in a Pilates studio. Cody received comprehensive Pilates certifications through the Midwest Pilates Institute in 2005 and earned a Master's of Kinesiology from A.T. Still's Graduate School of Health Sciences with a double major in orthopedic rehab and adaptive sports. In 2020, after 15 years of teaching, Cody opened her own small studio, SCBM Pilates, where she focuses on teaching movement through principles rather than protocols. In 2022 Cody founded Anatomy of Pilates where she delivers virtual education to Pilates instructors in anatomy and post rehab and mentors instructors 1:1. [displayWorkshops name="Cody Jussel"] Read MoreWorkshops by Cody Jussel
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