Jean-Claude West
Jean-Claude West is a master instructor, internationally renowned kinesiologist, clinician, and inventor. He began his career in NYC concentrating on restoring functional movement patterns among professional and elite dancers and athletes. His current work focuses on adaptive responses of the spine, fine-tuning movement patterns for maximum efficiency and balance.For more than 35 years, Jean-Claude has been teaching Functional Anatomy courses to physical therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and movement specialists in Pilates and Gyrotonics, both nationally and internationally. He combines a broad-based knowledge of biomechanics, a Masters in Motor Learning from Columbia University, and years of working directly with many first-generation Pilates luminaries — Kathy Grant, Mary Bowen, Bruce King and Eve Gentry — to inspire and train today’s thought-leaders and authors including Madeline Black, Elizabeth Larkam, Rael Isacowitz,... Read MoreWorkshops by Jean-Claude West

Jean-Claude West
Troubleshooting the Foot to Pelvis Connection
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