Kuan Hui Chew
KUAN HUI CHEW, was born and raised in Singapore. She received her Pilates teaching certification at Kane School of Core Integration in 2003 and became their expert trainer soon after graduation. Kuan Hui has studied with Irene Dowd, Kelly Kane, Renee Orona, Marie-Jose Blom-Lawrence, Eric Franklin and Liz Koch to name a few. She has been consistently teaching continuing education workshops since 2004 for body workers at various studios in the northeast region. Her areas of expertise include, psoas dysfunction, scoliosis, sacroilac joint dysfunction, sciatica and care for prenatal and postpartum population. Kuan Hui has guest taught dance technique and body conditioning classes at University of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University and Iona College, and has served as an adjunct lecturer at CUNY Queens College. She also teaches... Read MoreWorkshops by Kuan Hui Chew

Kuan Hui Chew
Unraveling Scoliosis

Kuan Hui Chew
" Wonderfully informative workshop!! "
Stephanie W (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" I thought that this workshop was great! I work with a lot of scoliosis in the studio and found this workshop full of great exercises that are proprioceptively rich, with a really great emphasis on awareness and manual cuing, rather than propping alone. This is an extremely useful workshop...thank you! "
sarah c (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" Excellent, thorough explanations coupled with very effective, concrete, and practical exercises. "
Pareena L (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" This workshop is amazing. There is so much information that I could not fully absorb it the first time through. I am ready to start it all over again!It will be a treasured part of my library. "
Patricia R (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" This workshop was tremendously helpful in towards assessing the spine by observing holding patterns, and movement habits. The strategies for releasing holding patterns to promote a healthy moveable body is essential. Firing weaker muscles and enhancing proprioception through the use of props and balancing techniques helps the entire body respond quickly; sending signals to the neurological system through the skeletal body. Thank you , Thank you for this wonderful tutorial. "
Maya C (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" Thorough information about scoliosis, muscular and proprioception changes,system changes. The exercises are great tools that I think all my clients-with and without scoliosis- will benefit from. Thank you for the detailed PDF. It helped me to watch the videos rather than taking copious notes. "
Linda Z (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" Thank you, Kuan! This was very well done, clear and comprehensive. I have been working with a client with extreme scoliosis and have been seeking a training such as yours. I know that if I did a live training I wouldn\'t retain much of the information so am glad I will be able to watch it again! "
Ellen L (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" This workshop was so informative and easy to follow along! Thanks so much! "
Julia U (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" Very informative workshop and very specific. I really enjoyed it and have found it very useful. "
Elizabeth D (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" This was a fantastic workshop!! Thank you so very much! I have been working with Scoliosis clients for a number of years and the information was so helpful and also reinforced some of the work we have been doing. Very clear and very well presented. The client did an amazing job. "
victoria m (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" This was a wonderful workshop. The instruction was clear and thorough. I was able to follow along easily with the PDF that was provided (thank you for that!). "
Leslie G (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" There was a lot of great information in this workshop. I found the section on the proprioceptive training the most interesting because right now most of the proprioceptive training I do is on the Bosu. It was great to see other ways to approach that kind of training for clients. "
Emily T (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" Very functional exercises. Lovely to take a workshop from Kuan as always. "
Annette H (Unraveling Scoliosis)
" Thank you very much Kuan for sharing this wonderful information. I so enjoyed this workshop. "
Susanne D (Improving Proprioception )
" Great Course. "
Meghann K (Improving Proprioception )